Tuesday, September 24, 2013

For Your Info...

I will be using this vlog as my release, I am coming to you ladies as MrsB because frankly only a couple individuals in my real life know the REAL RAW DETAILS and most frankly could just not handle it or it's not their business. I want to be as real as possible because I be needing to get things off my chest and who knows I just may reach someone who is going through the same and we can help each other or whatever the case maybe.

Don't be afraid to reach out to me if I feel safe enough I am willing to identify myself to some lady like me who needs a listening ear, kind word, and just someone else in their right mind who can understand their craziness!!! 

Lol, I hope to give you many laughs as I navigate the many things that go on in my head at any given moment which is why I am currently taking all natural vitamins (I will actually REVIEW these soon) for anxiety now so I don't explode especially on my husband lol see I am just as real as the next!

Good night, until next time...

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